Thursday, December 30, 2010

Bye Bye 2010 :D (w/ Music of the day)

Hey Guys!

It's been a looooong time since I've blogged now and the reason was because I was ill. Now I'm fine and thought that... wow! 2010 is almost over. One day left to do whatever we want to do and then to start a new year with new memories! I have to admit that 2010 has been a GREAT year. Awesome actually :)
I've gained a lot of new friends, I got new memories, new projects... What more could I wish for?

What I love about a new year is that... it's a fresh beginning. Even though that's just something we say, a new year do actually feel like a new chance to make things right.

MY 2010:

How was your? :)

Hina :D

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Better late than never! :) (w/ Song of the day)

Hey Guys!

Long time since I've blogged now and the answer is straight to the point.
No time and too much going on at school! Like tests...

Don't worry though, I'm not dead nor planning to die anytime soon. :)
I haven't written in a long time either,
The Taste of Death and Unbreakable has been put on hold.
I can feel the characters inside me yelling at me for not writing more and for have putting their lives on hold. My head is also longing for the world where I don't need to do Math... Geography.... or Science...
My brain wants Holiday!!! (Filled with writing! because that makes me HAPPY!)
Soon it's Christmas and I still have to write a short story for my best friend.
Presents... the hardest thing to buy!

Music has always and will always be there no matter what! :)
Yep, and I also have more new bands I would like to recommend and that reminds me of my book reveiw on Bitten by Kelley Armstrong... yep, that hasn't been written yet.
Sorry! I promise to write it as soon as these tests and gifts are done! :)

Song of the day: LostProphets - Last train home

Share your thoughts bellow :)

-Hina :D