Thursday, October 22, 2015

The NaNoWriMo prep 2015!

Oh my, it's been such a long time since I blogged here! Lately I've really been reminiscing about this blog and that I started it out from the love I have for books and because I in general have been writing  on projects since I was 13.

It's really this on and off situation where you write and then you stop, not necessarily from writers block but maybe a lot of stuff is happening, like exams and projects at uni. I would love to give you all an update on how my life is at the moment since it's really been a while. Most of all, I really wonder if any of my 'old' readers will ever read this. But if any of you do, then I have really kept you waiting haven't I? I hope all is well with all of you and I will write a short update on what's going on next time. 

And now to the good stuff! 
I entered for this year's National Novel Writing Month! I am psyched! I thought that while I'm writing in November that I would keep you all updated on how it's going and how I'm prepping and various forms of how I get my creative juices flowing! 

Are you participating in NaNoWriMo this year? 
Have you got and idea to what you're gonna write about? :)
Leave a comment bellow!